
Teacher’s Statement of Promise:

I Señora Stetson promise to be respectful of my students’ ideas, beliefs, and values, to listen and be open to new points of view, to present lessons in a variety of interesting ways, to make my classroom a safe place for all and be as fair as is humanly possible, to show my passion and curiosity for life.   In all of these ways I promise to do the best I can to create an environment that will produce students who can think deeply and clearly, speak with authority on the things they have learned, be courteous to all, and go out into the community with a longing to continue learning and improving themselves all their lives.

Spanish Student Contract:

I believe that every student that walks through my door is a capable student. Experience has taught me that we all have an opportunity to become educated and serve as productive members of society. High school is when each young person learns about the responsibilities in life (personal, professional, academic, societal) and strategies to fulfill one’s goals. Make the best of your education by being open to learning, utilizing your known skills and discovering those yet uncovered.  Aim high! Be positive! Dream BIG! I want to see you succeed. Lets work together to make that possible.

Class Guidelines:

1. Enter class each day on time and ready to learn. Being in class and participating is very important to learning a language. Start class with a clean positive slate! Be safe! Be respectful! Be responsible! Inability to follow classroom expectations will result in a parent phone call and/or a referral.

2. Put away all distracting objects (cell phones, ipods, food, etc…). These will be taken away if seen unless permission has been granted.  Nearly every day we start class with an activity to review the information from the day before. Work on this right away to wake up your “Spanish Brain”!

3. Every week you will have homework… to promote language acquisition. Practice truly does make perfect!

4. Lateness and absence policy. All work must be completed in a timely fashion. NO late work will be accepted after the pertinent summative assessment is taken.  Unless there are extenuating circumstances.  It is YOUR responsibility to check in with me to discuss missing work!

5. Grades. You should check your grade frequently and know where you stand. This can be done online or in person.  Grades can be checked online with Synergy: http://lhs.lps.org/ If you see a problem with your grade, come and talk with me so that we can work together to solve it.

6.  Textbooks. Students will be able to use the text in class but they will not be assigned individual books.  Therefore it is very important to take good notes in class!  Students may check out copies of the book in the library or view the entire book online at http://www.classzone.com

Grading Criteria:

  • Formative: 20% (Classwork, Speaking Points, Homework, and Participation)
  • Summative: 80% (Tests, Quizzes, and Projects)