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School Notes for April 11, 2014

Students getting ready for the Mayor’s Run on May 3rd should register online at Contact Mr. Atanasu with questions.


FOOTWEAR for students:

Remember, flip flops are not appropriate for school. (It’s difficult to run laps, walk stairs, and participate in PE in flip flops. And, they frequently break apart.)

Remember tennis shoes/sneakers for PE days!


Do you wonder why parents are asked to come inside to get their children left after school dismissal?

Staff members are outdoors supervising a safe and orderly dismissal until about 3:50.

Children left here after that time accompany the adults indoors, check in with the secured entry monitor (SEM), and wait for someone to pick them up.

To make sure we keep track of where children left after dismissal go, and who they leave with, adults are asked to come in door 10, and sign their child out with the SEM.

This has been our safety practice for a long time, and helps assure that all students are accounted for.


Backpack Food Program:

Randolph families and staff raised $325 for the backpack program at Tuesday’s McDonald’s McTeacher Night (27th and Vine Streets).  Thanks to all who helped and a special thanks to Dr. B. for making all kinds of vanilla cones!



Everyone is asked to collect their aluminum beverage cans from April 1-30, and donate them for Randolph School to earn funds for library books. Cans can be brought to school and put in the bike rack corral, or taken directly to the recycling centers.

Participating in Cans4Books is easy. During the month of April:

  • Bring your aluminum cans to either A-Can Recycling (3255 S.10th St.) or A & J Recycling (3250 N. 20th).
  • Mention ‘Cans4Books’ and donate your recycling refund to the Randolph School Library.
  • A-Can Recycling, A&J Recycling and Barnes & Noble Bookstore (South Pointe) are our sponsors.

Did you know that the money from the CANS is the real prize money? The actual “first prize” for most cans recycled per capita is $75. The Randolph community recycles several hundred dollars worth of cans, and that makes a HUGE difference for our library! So, thank you!


Cafeteria Account Balances and Refunds:

Cafeteria account balances will automatically carry over from this year to next, even for students changing schools within Lincoln Public Schools. Students leaving the district can obtain a refund for any amount. We will only refund balances for returning students that exceed $20.00. Students must request their refund from the cafeteria manager at their school until May 22nd.  Students who do not request their refund to the cafeteria manager at the schools can receive their refunds at the District Office Accounting Department starting June 3rd.


Breakfast Power:

The Wellness Challenge to encourage everyone to EAT BREAKFAST EVERY DAY continues next week for students who want to participate! Students who want to continue the challenge can get a Breakfast Challenge Chart on Monday, April 14 in the office and will keep track all next week of the breakfast items they eat. Students can eat breakfast at home, at day care, or at school. Breakfast is served at Randolph from 8:35-8:55. Every student who turns in a completed challenge form on Monday, April 21 will get a prize recognizing her/his efforts to give their brain breakfast!


Fourth Quarter Focus:

To finish the school year strong, students need to be at school on time every day.

That’s the focus for fourth quarter: at school, on time, every day.

(Remember, Randolph School starts at 8:55! 9:00 bell is tardy.)


Parent Requests for Classroom Teacher for 2014-15

We are in the process of developing classroom groups for next school year. If parents have a specific request for next year, send that request to Dr. B. by April 25th, so it can be considered in the process of assigning homerooms. For your convenience, here is the list of classroom teachers for next school year:


Lissy Barnes

Kristin Huebert

Alesia Spangler


First Grade

Karen Devine

Jean Kechely

Connie Philippi


Second Grade

Nicole Biles

Jenna Perales

Katie Songster


Third Grade

McKenzie Flanagan

Keri Keller

Sara Klaumann

Kathy Wobig


Fourth Grade

Kristin Christensen

Jeanie Hock

Bethany Wood


Fifth Grade

Susan Dougherty

Kelly Johnson

Laura Parks


Garden Gang News:

As the school year is coming to a close, so is Nature Club for the year. However, the garden is just beginning. With the close of Nature Club on May 1st and 2nd, the garden at Randolph will need tending this summer. The volunteers who lead your children would love your assistance to help educate your children about the garden and to benefit from the success of the garden. We are looking for summer volunteers who would be willing to work, weed, and harvest the garden. Families who volunteer would be allowed to keep harvested produce, in return for watering, weeding, and tending the garden all summer. It’s a great opportunity for families to spend quality time outside and together. Anyone interested in tending the garden for the summer should email Amanda Hefner at  




April 14 & 15            NeSA Math grade 4

April 15 & 16            NeSA Science grade 5

April 16            BIST Consult Day  “first fifteen”/consult about individual plans

April 18            NO SCHOOL   Good Friday


April 21            Elementary Principals Curriculum Council 12:30-4:30 @ LPSDO

April 22            Staff Meeting 8:10 SIP 2014-15 with Dr. Scott

April 22            MULTICULTURAL FAIR planning meeting 6:30

ALL parents and staff interested in keeping the MC Fair and planning for this fall’s event, please attend!

April 23            Staff Community meeting 3:45

April 25            NO elementary SCHOOL: plan day


April 29            PLC Early Out 2:18

April 29            Band Concert dress rehearsal 1:40  (NO Assembly Schedule)

April 29            Band Concert 7 p.m.

May 1 & 2            LAST Nature Club classes for this school year!


May 3                        Mayor’s Run


May 5                        GET meets 8:10

May 6                        PTA 6:30 in library

May 6                        Chorus Concert dress rehearsal 2:50 (NO Assembly Schedule)

May 6                        Chorus Concert 7 p.m. in gym

May 7                        Kindergarten Orientation 10:30 and 2:30 attend one

May 9                        School Picnic Day! Students will have hamburgers or hot dogs and eat outside for the picnic.

May 9                        FUN NIGHT! Carnival fundraiser for PTA 5-8:00 p.m.


May 13            Strings Concert dress rehearsal 2:50 (NO Assembly Schedule)

May 13            Strings Concert 7 p.m. in gym

May 15-16            Grade 4 Outdoor Education Camping Trip

May 16            Hot Lunch Customer Appreciation Day


Love and Logic Moment:

Writing about two-year-old twins, one of our followers says, “It seems lately that the tools we have used in the past are just not relating to them anymore. Our version of the ‘Uh, Oh, Song’ and removing them from a situation (time-out) is not relating to them these past two weeks. With them everything is, ‘No.’ Any suggestions?”

The solution to this problem is the consistent use of the “Uh, Oh, Song” applied exactly as prescribed instead of a version of the technique.

If you find it not being effective, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I actually singing instead of talking? Singing “Uh, oh,” instead of saying it indicates that the problem is the child’s problem, not the parent’s problem.
  2. Is the child staying away from the family until perfectly calm, regardless of the amount of time it takes?
  3. Am I using the egg timer after the child proves to be calm?
  4. Is the “egg timer time” adequate? In the event that the process doesn’t seem to get the desired results, lengthen the amount of “egg timer time.” Strong-willed children often need more time.

Many parents confuse the “Uh, Oh, Song” with “time-out.” However, the above elements are not included in “time-out” and that is the reason why it has limited effectiveness.

The “Uh, Oh, Song” includes a number of solid psychological concepts, and was developed to:

  1. Help parents establish themselves as loving authority figures.
  2. Help parents establish loving limits and boundaries.
  3. Help parents simplify their job. Use this technique for every undesirable behavior. It even should be used for misbehaviors that no child has dreamed up yet. And it should definitely be applied when a youngster says, “No!”
  4. Use with children ages 1 to 5.

Hear the “Uh, Oh, Song,” modeled on the audio CD or download, Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers.

Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.

Jim Fay

Posted in End of the Week Notes.