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School News for November 16, 2012



Sleep Deprivation can make you feel hungrier and slow your body’s metabolism. And when you are tired, you are less likely to exercise. Taken together this combination can lead to an unhealthy weight gain”

Dr. Anthony Komaraff, Harvard Medical School

How much sleep do we need each day?

-Toddlers, 1-3 years…………..12-14 hours

-Preschoolers, 3-5 years……11-13 hours

-School age, 5-10 years………10-11 hours

-Teens, 10-17 years……………..8.5-9.25 hours

-Adults……………………………………..7-9 hours

National Sleep Foundation


Photos of Veterans Day Lunch Guests can be viewed at:


The Center for People In Need (3901 North 27th Street) will distribute Thanksgiving food, and a gift certificate to a local grocery store for the Thanksgiving Holiday.    Distribution dates are:   Saturday, November 17th, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm; Sunday, November 18th, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm; Monday, November 19th, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.    You must bring the following in order to receive a voucher:

  1.   Center for People in Need Card (if you have one).
  2. Identification
  3. Piece of mail with your name and current address.

*If you are currently receiving food from the Neighborhood FOOD program, you must still bring the above paperwork in order to receive the voucher.

*Income must be at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines.

*If you are a NEW Client:    Center card applications are available at the Center’s office or online, please bring a photo ID, a piece of mail showing your current address, income verification, and social security cards for all members of the household.


Check out the Randolph art website again. Mrs. Chaffee has updated it with a lot of fun new links, resources, projects, photos, etc.


Love and Logic Moment:

Ron felt trapped. His darling daughter, Kacie, was about to turn 16 and despite his best judgment, he just HAD to let her get a driver’s license.

The reason: Ron’s older son, Todd, was able to get his license at 16. If one kid got to, the other kid HAD to get hers, too.

Never mind that Todd had been very responsible, earned good grades, and paid for his own driver’s education class. Todd saved up for a car and showed great interest in the responsibilities of driving.

Kacie was less responsible in other areas of life. When Dad tried to teach her some things about driving, she was more interested in her phone. Kacie was a great kid, but she hadn’t matured as fast as her brother.

Common sense told Ron that his daughter was not ready, but he just knew that if he delayed Kacie’s license, he would hear THAT word. The “F” word. “That’s not FAIR! Todd got his license!”

For some reason, Dad dreaded accusations of being unfair worse than he dreaded death and taxes.

Ron shared his dilemma with his friend, Sam.

“I have to let her. I let Todd and it wouldn’t be fair if she had to wait.”

“Says who?” Sam asked. “That sounds like something kids say when they’re trying to get their way. Reality doesn’t work that way, so why should we? I tell my kids they’re all unique — so that’s how I’ll treat them.”

And then it hit Ron: “FAIR” does not mean “SAME.”

What a freeing realization! Kids are different. They have unique abilities and challenges. They mature at different speeds.


Wise adults give themselves permission to treat kids differently and avoid the trap of trying to make everything the same in pursuit of mythical fairness.

Do you know any families who will be happier when they escape the myth of fair = same?

In our book, Love and Logic Magic When Kids Leave You Speechless, you’ll learn what to say and do in the heat of battle, and how to handle some of the most frustrating things that your kids will throw your way.

Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.

Jedd Hafer




Wed., December 12th—all day and evening

If people buy anything other than gift cards and tell the cashier they would like their purchase total added to the Randolph Book Fair, we will get a certain amount of the profits to purchase books for the library. Sales can be from grandparents, neighbors, etc. We don’t have to do anything special other than “spread the word!”


Eileen’s “Scoop & Bake” Cookie Dough Sale is under way!  A three pound tub makes approx. 33-3” cookies! All that for only $13.50!  The flavors for sale are sugar, chocolate chip, M&M, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, monster oatmeal, and oatmeal raisin.   The completed order forms and payment (cash or check with checks written to Randolph PTA) MUST be turned in by Monday, November 26. NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE FILLED! The due date is the Monday following Thanksgiving break. Mark your calendars and don’t forget this important deadline!  The cookie dough will be ready for pickup at school on Monday, December 10.


Nov. 19            Technology Planning Committee meets 8:10 a.m.

Nov. 20            Staff Meeting:  “Homework and Practice”  Annette, Jenni H., Susan J.;

Purchasing info and budgets (Vicki & WB); Equity Info:  Connie



Nov. 21            Elementary Principals meet at Bryan College of Health Sciences

Nov. 22-23            NO SCHOOL—Thanksgiving Break



Nov. 26            Principals Curriculum Council meets– afternoon

Nov. 26            SCIP meets


Nov. 26            Turn in Eileen’s Cookie Dough orders!


Nov. 27            PLC Early Dismissal 2:18


Nov. 28            Building Flex Session part 1 of 3 Webinar Student Behavior 4:00

Nov. 28            Multicultural Fair Planning Committee 6:00 p.m.

Nov. 30            PTA’s Family Movie Night  FREE ADMISSION


Dec. 3                        NO GET meeting

Dec. 4                        Staff Meeting:  Cooperative Learning (Chris W., Sara K.)

Dec. 4                        Chorus Concert 7 p.m.


Dec. 5                        Building Flex Session part 2 of 3 Webinar Student Behavior 4:00


Dec. 6                        BIST Consultant available 8:00-8:45 a.m. for follow up & questions

Dec. 6                        Training to schedule and use new mobile labs 4:00


Dec. 10            NO SIP meeting

Dec. 11            Staff meeting:  Nonlinguistic Representation (Jenna, Jeanie)

Dec. 11            Strings Concert 7 p.m.


Dec. 12            Heritage School: Christensen’s class

Dec. 12            Barnes & Noble Book Fair at SOUTH POINTE

Dec. 12            Building Flex Session part 3 of 3 Webinar Student Behavior 4:00


Dec. 13            Band Concert 7 p.m.

Dec. 13            Heritage School:

Dec. 13            School Improvement Conference in Lincoln (Dr. B., Mrs. Bushaw, and Mrs. Christensen attending)


Dec. 14            Heritage School:


Dec. 17            SCIP meets

Dec. 17            McTeacher Night at McDonald’s @ 27 and Vine

Dec. 18            Early Out 2:18

Dec. 19            Principals Council 7:30-12


Dec. 22-Jan. 6            Winter Break


Jan. 7            Classes Start for Second Semester!




Posted in End of the Week Notes.