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December 5, 2011

Present:  Lisa C., Connie, Laura P., Jeanie, Kelly, Josh, Susie, Laura O., Wendy B.


Leadership:            Remind team members to put all field trips, speakers, events on Zimbra calendar for all to see.

Schoolwide:            ASSEMBLY SCHEDULES run on Tuesday, December 6th and Thursday, Dec. 15th so student may attend the dress rehearsals of the Band, Chorus, and Strings groups beginning at 2:45.

Remind all teachers to get students out on time at dismissal.  Some classes are frequently up to 10 minutes late dismissing.  This causes disruptions for day care and family pick up.

Family Services pick up of students on second floor is chaotic.  Dr. B. will talk to the pick up person/people about quiet gathering and descending the stairs.

ALL second floor classes need to have a quieter dismissal, since many times tutors are trying to work in the hallways with students.


Non-classroom:  Review restroom rules, expectations, and routines.


Classroom:            Practice indoor recess expectations, routines, and requirements.  Those days are coming!


Individual:  Cheri is maintaining a list of individual student triages.  If you add, delete, or make changes to your students’ triages, please let Cheri know, and she will update the listing.  Also, Cheri will put the list in docushare/Randolph/items from the office.


Next Meeting:  January 23, 2012

Posted in Great Expectations Team.