Health 8 Grading

Grade Scale

A = 90 – 100
B+ = 85 – 89
B = 80 – 84
C+ = 75 – 79
C = 70 – 74
D+ = 65 – 69
D = 60 – 64
F = Below 60%

80% Summative

20% Formative

Work Study Habits Grade

COM = Commendable

S = Satisfactory

N = Needs Improvement

* This grade is based upon completion of daily homework, effort in class, participation, organization, and preparedness for class.

Social/Behavioral Skills Grade

COM = Commendable

S = Satisfactory

N = Needs Improvement

* This grade is based on the student’s behavior in class and includes the following:*Accepting consequences for actions, showing self-control and discipline, following rules, having a positive attitude, interacts with others appropriately.