Equity Liaison meeting 9/12/13

 I am the Educational Equity liasion, here is a link to the district’s equity page, this describes most of what you need to know about equity.  Please see me if you have questions.
One of the benefits of my position is that we visit many different sites in Lincoln.  Last week we went to the Don Sherrill building to see how they have updated this building.  It houses the Behavior Skills program http://wp.lps.org/bsp/  It is nicely done.
We also had Dr. Jenny Fundus speak to us about Special Education in LPS, below are some notes that I took

Dr. Jenny Fundus- Director of Special Education
6000+students 100 fte. staff   Birth to 21
55 million dollars budget
federal aid, state aid .52 on the dollar, local dollars

13 SPED categories, highest category is developmental delay 0-5
Dept of Education says all students need to be developmental delay, no autism or mentally handicapped.   Rule 52

Rule 51 is the old rule, Rule 52 is for Early childhood it will be more specialized, 0-5 is too young to exactly pinpoint what is “special” about these small children

Autism the second largest growing area it is a broad spectrum.

The new Don Sherrill Building for Elementary and middle school program.   K-9 serves students with autism, behavior disorders, other health impairments
Currently there are 66 students, staffed for 115 students.  ALE rooms, comfort rooms, classrooms, offices for therapists.
Students in ALE’s are checked on every 15 minutes

Success Schools- a model of school, a behavior model, focuses on students with significant behavior needs and high academic needs. A step by step model on how to teach missing skills, not scripted but very detailed for new teachers.
Will provide a very strong behavior piece. 3 times a day behavior is discussed. It is a full day program.

Yankee Hill, currently serving 10 students, another facility, 3 programs in one building, expelled or suspended high school students.     High school  students, behavior skills,. low cognition mental health skills- alternative education

How to get students into this program? Needs to try to many, many different things before students go to BSP.

Educational Equity, seeing sites, bring in guest speakers, goal to share with you things related to students to make sure that our goal that everyone receives a quality education and different ways that the district does that.

Russ Uhing director of student services.
Possible future topics include -Educare,  Speaker of lgb issues,  Anti deformation league,  Poverty simulation,   Child advocacy center.

If you have questions, please ask me.

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