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Andrew’s Story

Andrew is a second grader.  He wrote a great story about a trip to the zoo with his parents.  It was special because although he has a brother and sister, he was the only sibling on this trip.  He will tell you his favorite parts of the zoo.

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5 Responses

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  1. Allie says

    I like when you said about the lion because i like lions. The best picture that i like is the seal one.

  2. Pat says

    I like your picture. Was there a lot of in the zoo? I like the part when you cross the bridge and saw the alligator.

  3. fernando says

    good story andrew

  4. Hannah says

    I like your pictures. Was there a lot of people in the zoo?

  5. Boomer says

    I like the part when you cross the bridge and saw the alligator because it reminded me that I am going over a bridge of alligator.It was a picture in my head.

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