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Spanish 3

Study the vocabulary on pages 108-109.  Get a handout on the commands.  On page 108 do #19 – write 10 commands.

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Spanish 2

Study the vocabulary on pages 168-169 and complete the vocab sheet.  Practice #1 and 2 on page 170.  Get a worksheet from the folder.

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Spanish 3

Take the quiz on chapter 4, primer paso and present the restaurant skit.

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Spanish 2

Take the test on Unit 3, Lesson 2.

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Spanish 3

Get worksheet from the folder and see me.  Study for the quiz on Friday on chapter 4, primer paso.  Finish the skit and be ready to present on Friday.

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Spanish 2

No class today.  But remember to study for the Unit 3, Lesson 1 test on Thursday.

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Spanish 3

Study for the quiz on chapter 4, primer paso which is on Friday.  Do #4 on page 117.  Work on the skit.

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Spanish 2

Study for the test on unit 3, lesson which is on Thursday.

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Spanish 3

Get culture worksheet from the folder and read page 104 to do first part.  See me about a skit.

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Spanish 2

Get notes on test on Unit 3.1 which will be on Thursday.  Get review sheet from the folder.

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