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Grading scale, policies

The Southeast World Language grading scale is as follows:

A = 90-100%

B+ = 85-89%

B = 80-84%

C+ = 75-79%

C = 70-74%

D+ = 65-69%

D = 60-64%

F = 0-59%

The grading categories for this class are tests, speaking and listening activities, and quizzes and written work.

Tests are given at the end of each chapter.

Speaking and listening activities include the many activities we do in class, such as working with a partner to practice the Spanish phrases we are learning or listening to a CD activity to work on listening comprehension. Also, we will watch some videos in Spanish and have oral tests from time to time. Oral presentations and skits are included as an oral grade.

At the end of each section of the book we have a quiz which includes listening, reading, writing and culture sections. We will also have quizzes on vocabulary, videos, readings and culture.


Homework will be assigned almost every night. Students should record the homework assignment in their planners. If there is no homework assigned, students should study the vocabulary.

Homework is due the first of the period the next day, unless there is a special assignment or project. No late work will be accepted.

Students are expected to do their own work whether it be homework, projects or tests.

Homework will be posted on this web site.

Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, Nebraska