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Spanish 2

Copy the conjugation of the verb tener onto your yellow verb chart.  Study for the quiz tomorrow over pages 2-9.

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Spanish 3

On page 5, do #3.  Conjugate the verbs and then translate the paragraph into English.  Do the back of the worksheet from last week.

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Spanish 2

Get a worksheet from the folder.  Also, write 8 sentences describing people and using correct adjective agreement.

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Spanish 3

Get a yellow verb chart from the folder and copy  the regular, present tense verbs from page 5.  Study for vocab list for a quiz next week.

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Spanish 2

Get yellow verb chart from the folder and conjugate the verb ser.  Study the vocabulary for a quiz next week.

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Spanish 3

Get a yellow handout from the class folder and copy the key questions on it.  Also, get a worksheet and do the front side.  See me to check out a book.

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Spanish 2

Get a yellow vocabulary handout from the folder in class.  Copy the key questions on it.  Also, study the vocabulary pages 2-9 for  a quiz next week.  Get a worksheet from the folder and do it.

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Spanish 3

See me to take the quiz on chapter 6, primer paso.  Get a video sheet on Botero.

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Spanish 2

See me to take the test on Unit 5, Lesson 1.

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Spanish 3

Turn in homework.  Page 167 – Read culture-it is on the quiz tomorrow.  On pages 178 and 179 do #1 and 3.  Study for the quiz on chapter 6, primer paso which is on Thursday.

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