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Spanish 2

Get a worksheet and see me about the market activity.  Study for the quiz on unit 3, lesson 2 which is on Friday.

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Spanish 3

See me to do the oral test.  Work on the project.

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Spanish 2

Read the grammar note on page 175 and do #8.  Study for the quiz on Friday on unit 3, lesson 1.

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Spanish 3

Work on project.  Study for the oral test on Wed.

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Spanish 2

Read the culture on page 174.  Practice the new preterite verbs.  Get a worksheet.

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Spanish 3

Get a worksheet on Por y Para and do it.  See me about a project that is due this Friday for a test grade.

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Spanish 2

Get a computer activity sheet and do the activities and turn it in.  Also, get a homework sheet.

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Spanish 3

Write 5-7 sentences in the future about improving the environment.  Study for the quiz over 3.1 on the vocab and the future tense.

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Spanish 2

Read the grammar note on page 172 and take notes.  Write #4 on page 172.

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Spanish 3

Get 2 worksheets.

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