Hawaii Trip 2017-2018

Information about the Hawaii Trip: Hawaii-Info-2017-2018

If you intend on going on the Hawaii Trip, fill out the form and email it to jlenz@lps.org: Hawaii-Interest-Form

All Travelers (student and adult) must turn in:

LSWHawaiiHealthForm and HawaiiFinancialAgreement17-18

All Studenst must turn in HawaiiPermissionForm2017-18 signed and notarized. This form cannot be emailed.

The payment schedule is split into 6 different payments:

Date:                                                                Deposit Amount:

September 30, 2016                                                  $250

December 2, 2016                                                     $500

February 3, 2017                                                       $500

May 5, 2017                                                               $500

July 7, 2017                                                               $500

October 6, 2017                                                         $500

Each Payment needs to include LSW_Hawaii_Deposit-17-18 for our record keeping.