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January 9

8th:  Today we learned how to calculate acceleration with a new formula from section 1.1.  If anyone is struggling, they can always come to me before or after school for help.  We will review it tomorrow!

7th: Today we worked through the vocabulary attached to the first section of the text on page 6, and started watching a bit of Becoming Human on PBS/Nova.

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January 8th: Grades coming out!!

8th:  Today we worked through the guided reading and a pretty simple math exercise on how to calculate speed, velocity, acceleration and averages.  There is a little homework if they didn’t get done with the work in class.

7th: Today we worked through the guided reading as well as looked at Redi’s and Pasteur’s experiments here: Spontaneous Generation.  After that we designed our own experiments and outlined the processes, identifying the controls and the variables.  This is homework if they didn’t get it done in class.

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January 7th: WELCOME BACK!

8th: Today we started in on motion, forces and energy.  The next 8 weeks are devoted to physics and it might become a little more “mathy” than the previous subjects.  Not to worry, I will make sure everyone knows what is required for the upcoming quizzes.

7th:  Today we started in on the Characteristics of Life and introduced the concepts we will be exploring in the near future.

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December 21: The Myans were wrong.

7th/8th: TOday we worked on any and all missing assignments or quiz retakes.  If they finished up those, I taught a little lesson the science of snowflakes and had the kids cut out some ad decorate the room.  Happy Holidays!

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December 19: SNOWMAGEDDON!

8th: Today we started our Navajo Color Project to tie in all the concepts we have been studying over the last few weeks: colors of pigments, symmetry, reflection, mirror images as well as using this a s cultural lesson.  It should be cool when we’re done!

7th: Today was a lesson on the Type 2 Supernova and another flipbook to compliment the Type 1 from yesterday.

Stay warm and safe!!  Reminder: get those missing assignments done and turn them in.  Retakes are still available for anyone who wants to raise their grade!!

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December 18: PLC Day!

8th:  Today we took our last quiz over light, color, reflection and mirrors.  We need to revisit how important it is to turn in formative work which will eventually help our summative score.Supernova!

7th:  Today we started learning how a Type I Supernova behaves and began illustrating a flipbook on the steps of its process.


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December 17

8th: Vocab post test today after a review and review of light, color, mirrors and reflection!  Quiz coming soon.

7th: Vocab post test after a review of the terms and we worked a little more into Elements from Stardust.

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December 14

8th: Today we reviewed light and reflection instead of having our quiz   We need to take our vocabulary post test next week, as well as our light and reflection quiz.  Next project: our Navajo Color Project!

7th:  Today we reviewed Elements from Stardust and worked thought the guided reading.  Very interesting topic and one that ties in well with astronomy!

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December 13

8th: Today we worked through more light and reflection with a mirror activity.

7th: Today was our unknown chemical lab exercise.  It was fun and messy as always!

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December 12

8th: Today we started with light reflection and refraction.  Guided reading was done and we worked through some demos.

7th: Today we finished our Alien Periodic Table.

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