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April 25: Global Footprint Network

Today we reviewed section 2.1 in the text and got through the guided reading.  After that, we went to the computer lab to explore the Global Footprint Network and calculate our own carbon impact.  They were asked to read the introduction, overview, world footprint and carbon footprint pages under “Footprint Basics” and then do the quiz under the personal footprint tag.  After they completed that and printed their results, I asked them to come up with 10 ways to reduce their carbon footprint for homework.

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April 24: Connecting Concepts and morEarth Day Documentary

Today I introduced the connecting concepts map for Energy Flow in Ecosystems.  This worksheet is homework for tomorrow.  We will hopefully be calculating our carbon footprint tomorrow in the lab and going over the last two homework assignments as well.

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April 23: Energy Flow in Ecosystems

Today we started in on Energy Flow in Ecosystems, which is section 2.1 in the text.  We also checked our quizzes, which everyone seemed to do really well on, and I started am Earth Day documentary for this week.  We will b e looking at DDT pesticides, Rachel Carson’s famous book and the entire environmentalism movement.

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April 20th: Quiz day

Today we had a quiz over sections 1.2 and 1.3 in the text.  I was gone, but the sub said they did pretty well.  I also challenged the kids to camouflage a butterfly and hide it somewhere in the room so I can’t find it for an extra point on the quiz.

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April 19: Predation and camouflage

Today we reviewed section 1.3 in the text.  We talked more about predation and camouflage and natural selection.  Tomorrow we have a quiz over sections 1.2 and 1.3!

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April 18: Interactions of Living Things

Today We worked through the key terms of the next section in the text (1.3).  We got through that and I introduced the question from yesterday: “What would life be like if there were no money?”  This question is very open-ended and intended to spur connections between competition, resources, needs, predators, prey, niches and so forth.  I assigned a short writing response and then we talked about the results.  The kids asked some very poignant questions about this issue and I think it might have been one of the best teaching days I’ve ever had.  I also gave out the guided reading for homework.  We will have a quiz on Friday as usual over sections 1.2 and 1.3.

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April 17: More Population Problems!

Today we reviewed the section 1.2 over populations, and I introduced a question for a writing assignment.  Is there a population crisis in the world?  We watched a couple of short videos explaining both sides of the issue and this is what the are supposed to write about.  They need to write a page a t least on whether or not the numbers of population increase are enough to warrant a “crisis” in the world.  I also introduced a question in second period about poverty as it relates to population.

We will talk more about it tomorrow and they don’t have to write about it just yet, but I want them to “imagine a world without money.”  How would daily life be?  What would our motivations be?  How would we get things? What “things” would we need?  What is important?  What else would be affected? What problems would be solved and what other problems might arise?

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April 16: Studying Populations

Today we ripped through section 1.2 in our text on populations and population growth rates.  I also had a population density worksheet that Ii wanted to use as homework that 1st period got through, however 2nd period didn’t get to it.  Wednesday a paper is going to be due on this question: “if we solve the hunger crisis worldwide, what happens to our population and what problems, if any, arise?”  This question is a tough one and I’m expecting between 1-3 pages written on it.  I want to see the kids really consider the ramifications of population growth and how it relates to poverty, hunger and other social issues.

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April 13th: Scary Friday the 13th Quiz!

Today we had an OPEN BOOK quiz over section 1.1 in the text because of the NESA testing.  They also have homework on the next section in the form of a guided reading.

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April 12: More work time!

Today we worked on our Venn Diagram and talked more about the project.  We are also having a quiz tomorrow over 1.1 in the text.  Study the questions on page 10!!


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