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Planet Chris

Planet Chris is quite simply the easiest RSS aggregator I have ever seen.

Even as a ginormous RSS lover, I realize that RSS is pretty much the bastion of geeks. Google Reader made it easier to use than many previous attempts, but it was going to take something even easier.

Earlier this week when I came across Alltop, I thought that was a good idea for introducing non-geeks to RSS, but this one is WAAAY better. 

Bonus points for allowing feed streams to be public. I just created a “planet” for my immediate family, aggregating all of our Flickr streams, blogs, and the like. Now when a family member wants to know our web address, I can point them to this singular page. I did the same for my various work related content. You could do the same for people’s feeds, blogs, project management feeds, WHATEVER.

Great utility! 

Posted in My Thoughts.