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A level playing field

For Generation V, the virtual environment provides many aspects of a level playing field, where age, gender, class and income of individuals are less important and less rewarded than competence, motivation and effort,” said Adam Sarner, principal analyst at Gartner. “For example, an 11-year old individual can be the leading ‘go to’ person for advice on how to upgrade/hack a digital video recorder (DVR) for more recording space. An unpopular office worker can be a highly revered, accomplished 40th-level half-elf in World of Warcraft. The opportunity for reputation, prestige, influence and personal growth provides a powerful social draw for the masses to spend more time in a virtual world.

Web Worker Daily » Archive Welcome to the Virtual Generation «

My favorite thing about the newest identified “generation” is that it is not exclusive by age. Instead, anyone can be a part of the generation if they choose to. My experience as a trainer backs this up completely – you either choose TO be a part of this “internet thing” or you choose NOT TO be a part of it.

– Chris

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