Class Objectives


  • Describe the three parts of health.
  • Explain the difference between health and wellness.
  • Explain the mind-body connection.
  • Explain why heredity is a health factor you cannot control.
  • Explain the role the environment plays in your total health.
  • Identify internal and external influences that affect health choices.
  • Describe how risks and risk behaviors can affect your health.
  • Identify ways to avoid or reduce risks.
  • Explain what decision-making is and why it is important.
  • Describe why values are important to decision-making .
  • Demonstrate how to use the 6-step decision-making process to make a healthful choice.
  • Explain what is character.
  • Identify traits of good character.
  • Describe how to develop good character.


  • Identify the dangers of using alcohol.
  • Describe the short-term effects of alcohol.
  • Explain ways that alcohol use can damage body systems.
  • Explain why some teens may choose to use alcohol.
  • Explain why alcohol is harmful to teens.
  • Describe how alcohol may affect a person’s decisions.
  • Explain how using alcohol affects a person’s relationships.
  • Describe how using alcohol can lead to violence.
  • Identify reasons to not use alcohol.
  • Explain how to get help for alcohol use.
  • Apply refusal skills to avoid alcohol use.


  • Establish standards for getting along that encourage participation as well as respect.
  • Review commitments made previously in Allstars.
  • Think about their futures.
  • Participate in the making of an ideal class logo.
  • Develop an understanding that the group has a positive norm about high-risk behaviors.
  • Understand that using alcohol, marijuana, and inhalants and participation in other high-risk behaviors is unacceptable to the peer group.
  • Publicize positive classroom norms about risky behaviors.
  • Think about the reputations they want to have.
  • Identify habits that are important for them to develop.
  • Discuss positive habit development with their parents.
  • Demonstrate that commitments are proven when an individual overcomes challenges to keeping their commitments.
  • Learn skills needed to overcome challenges to keeping commitments.
  • Engage needed trusted adults to help them keep their commitments.
  • Reinforce commitments made during the Allstars Core course.
  • Prepare to express positive commitments publicly.
  • Strengthen personal commitments by making them public.
  • Report about their participation in All Stars Booster.
  • Reinforce commitments made during Allstars.

Disease Prevention

  • Identify causes of non-communicable diseases.
  • Describe allergies and asthma, including how they are treated.
  • Explain types of heart disease and how to reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Describe how heart disease is treated.
  • Identify ways to reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  • Describe what cancer is and its causes.
  • Describe what diabetes is and how it is treated.
  • Describe what arthritis is and how it is treated.


  • Describe the health benefits of good nutrition.
  • List the nutrient groups your body needs to be healthy.
  • Analyze nutrition facts located on food labels and explain how they are related to Daily Values.
  • Identify nutrient rich foods.

Growth & Development

  • Identify the physical, mental, emotional and social changes that occur during adolescence.
  • Identify healthy ways to manage and express emotions.
  • Describe how the endocrine system affects growth and development.
  • Describe the function of the male reproductive system.
    identify the organs of the male reproductive system.
  • Identify common problems of the male reproductive system.
  • Explain how to care for the male reproductive system.
  • Describe the function of the female reproductive system.
  • Identify the organs of the female reproductive system.
  • Identify common problems of the female reproductive system.
  • Explain how to care for the female reproductive system.
  • Identify what abstinence is and its benefits.
  • Identify high risk behaviors to avoid.
  • Identify the 3 forms of intimate sexual contact.
  • Identify common sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Identify how to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Explain how people become infected with HIV and develop AIDS.
  • Identify how to protect yourself from HIV/AIDS.
  • Identify what is being done to help fight AIDS>
  • Analyze how media messages about sexual activity might influence teens.