Meet Mr. Rushing

JasonMy name is Jason Rushing and I am a Computer Science Teacher with Lincoln Public Schools.  I currently teach K-5 Computer Science at Wysong Elementary in Lincoln, Nebraska.

One of my passions is to experiment with methods for infusing technology into the elementary curriculum. I have seen struggling students become engaged and empowered when they are presented with a technological approach toward an assignment. Capitalizing upon a variety of technologies helps students develop agency and become active participants in their learning. Excitement! Technology-based curricula allow students to meaningfully participate in peer-to-peer and, sometimes, peer-to-instructor learning. Enlightenment! I have become caught up in the joy of an “on-fire” classroom – a workspace buzzing with genuine curiosity to learn and do more. Success!

I have earned a master’s of science degree in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in instructional technology. Working on this degree has enhanced my instructional capacity and has helped me better prepare my students to become active, informed 21st century citizens. I want to impact my students by connecting with them, helping them experience the joy associated with discovery, and equip them with some of the skills and concepts they will rely upon as they transition from elementary school and into adult life.

1 thought on “Meet Mr. Rushing

  1. From one teacher to another, thank you for the work that you do. Sounds like the kids really get a lot out of your class!

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