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  • 09:02:38 am on January 6, 2011 | # | Comments Off on The benefits of an organization-wide cal…

    The benefits of an organization-wide calendar system like Zimbra are the greatest when everyone in the organization uses it. When we can all check the calendar system and see with confidence when colleagues are available, what rooms are open, and what resources can be used, a tool like Zimbra introduces a wealth of efficiencies.

    We are aware that some of our LPS colleagues have chosen to use other on-line calendars for a variety of reasons. Reasons include better support for mobile devices, an ability to share data with outside calendar sources and the ability to publish calendar data in a fashion that allows parents to subscribe to it. We insisted on all of this functionality in the review process that culminated in the selection of Zimbra.

    Zimbra is a modern and feature-rich system that will do a solid job of meeting the expectations of those that use it. In the interest of maximizing efficiency it will be an expectation that Lincoln Public Schools employee work calendars will be maintained within Zimbra. The publishing capabilities of Zimbra will allow those interested, to aggregate their professional calendar appointments with their personal calendar that might exist on another system such as Google.