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  • 08:25:46 pm on November 5, 2010 | # | Comments Off on 11/5 Tarea Nivel 1

    ¡Vamos a escribir!             This assignment is due MONDAY

    Objective: Write a short illustrated (or not) story about you and a friend’s school days and the activities that you do as well as those that your friend does.

    Requirements: Answer the questions found below about yourself and someone else.

    Describe tu horario en la escuela.

    ¿Qué clases tienes? ¿A qué hora?

    ¿Qué tienes que hacer todos los días?

    ¿Qué haces de vez en cuando?

    ¿Qué actividades nunca haces en las clases?

    Describe your school schedule.

    What classes do you have and at what times? What do you have to do every day?

    What do you do from time to time?

    What do you do and not do in your classes?