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  • 10:09:07 am on October 29, 2010 | # | Comments Off on Friday, October 29, 2010

    I hope that you have enjoyed your week with your child!  I will be honest it has been a nice relaxing week, but I miss them!  It has been weird not seeing them everyday! 

    On Friday we learned, but had fun with the Halloween holiday! 

    We started out the day with writing.  The students are still working on their descriptive paragraphs.  Each student is taking their descriptive paragraph through the entire writing process.  This will be their quarter 1 grade for the writing process.  I have given each student a revising and editing checklist.  The students have to go through each checklist to ensure that they have revise their paragraph to make it “better” and edited their paragraph to make it “correct.”  We are about half-way through this process.  They should be at the end of their revising stage and the beginning the editing stage. 

    After writing we played a little Halloween game.  I had for stacks of cards (people, things, actions, onomatopoeia’s).  Everything on each card was Halloween related.  I started by picking up a card from the “people” stack.  I created a sentence using the person I drew (I believe it was Frankenstein).  Then, I selected a student to pick up a card from the “things” stack.  That student had to incorporate their word into a sentence that builds onto my sentence.  We repeated these steps and created a long, funny story.  It was exciting to hear each student’s sentence and they were all so creative! 

    Cursive was next on our list.  The students learned how to make the lower case letter “u”.  After practicing how to make the letter “u”, they had to connect it to the previous letters they learned (i and t).  After they were finished, the students had to go through and circle one letter on each page that they thought was their best letter.  As I was walking throughout the room, I was able to see how awesome their cursive is!  Have  your child show you the 3 letters they learned in cursive!  More cursive to come next week!   

    Since we had taken tests this week, our independent reading time has been limited.  The student read for 20 minutes (I am surprised they didn’t fall asleep because they were cozy in their PJs).  After reading for 20 minutes, the students logged their reading and then completed TWO short book reviews.  One book review was over a book they enjoyed and the other was over a book they didn’t like.  It was interesting to read all of the book reviews! 

    In Math the students completed their Chapter 6 test.  The outcome of this test was not as good as the others.  We will work on re-teaching next week prior to report cards! 

    To end the day, the students were able to do the “Money Machine”.  The entire class enjoyed watching those students who were able to participate.  The Money Machine was a prize for selling a certain amount of goodies for the fundraiser! 

    ITBS starts MONDAY!  Remember a good night sleep and a yummy breakfast is key for great performance! 😉

    ALSO, if your student did not bring back an address for FLAT STANLEY, please send it to school on Monday! 

    Enjoy what is left of break!