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  • 09:54:08 pm on June 10, 2010 | # | Comments Off on The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
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    The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks is about a girl who no longer wants to be thought of as the “bunny rabbit” most people consider her to be.  Sophomore year at her prestigious boarding school, Frankie hooks up with the very popular and gorgeous, Matthew. She soon discovers Matthew is in a secret all male society that she cannot be a part of and Matthew tells her nothing about. So she finds a way to infiltrate the society and  get them to carry out some outlandish pranks without anyone knowing she is the mastermind behind it all. But what will happen if she is caught? What will she learn about herself in the process? What will she gain? What will she lose?

    I found this book to be intelligent, clever, entertaining, and quite thought provoking. Booklist described the book by writing: “Lockhart creates a unique, indelible character in Frankie…Teens will be galvanized by her brazen action and her passionate, immediate questions about gender and power, individuals and institutions, and how to fall in love without losing herself.”

    Here’s a little clip of E. Lockhart talking about the book and reading an excerpt describing one of the first pranks Frankie organized.

    E. Lockhart reading at the 2008 National Book Award Finalists Reading from National Book Foundation on Vimeo.