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  • 05:03:38 pm on February 25, 2010 | # | Comments Off on give me five and a projector
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    Make  your projector and your laptop and your speakers work for you.  Command the technology in your classroom.

    The short, informational video clips from the The Future Channel are interesting ways to keep students engaged during those transitional moments throughout the day. Or check out the LPS Media Center’s Digital Content Resources for more ideas.

    one small, creative step at a time

    one small, creative step at a time

    The Future Channel is a great resource, especially as many LPS students begin research projects or continue to search topics for the research projects. (Some video clips require a paid subscription; however, there are many that do not.)

    Technology in the classroom does not necessarily need to be a 20 or 30 minute lesson or chunk of time inserted into your day.  As you begin to use technology in your class, don’t allow the technology to become overwhelming; rather, learn to use short bursts of two-three minutes throughout the day.  A brief video clip might be just the tool needed to help your class re-focus.

    Let the technology work for you.  Small learning, creating, motivating steps.  One step at a time.

    How are YOU using the projector in your classroom with less than five minutes?  Please post your comments and ideas to share with others.