Homework and AP PSYCH Update for Tuesday 8/30

AP PSYCH: I can not put the exam online due to the fact that not everybody has taken it. I have decided not to put the exam up at all. I will provide more copies of the exam tomorrow and paragraphs will not be due until next Friday 9/9.
HOMEWORK: Read 19-26

GEOGRAPHY: Finish map if not completed in class. There is a map quiz Wednesday!

Homework for Monday 8/29

AP PSYCH: No HW…I have graded all of the test and they were somewhat lower than I expected. I am not going to curve the grades. It is the first test, which is always the hardest. I expect the future test will be a little easier because you will know what to expect. I do plan on adding a review day in class for other test because I think that would help. We will also spend some time in class practicing how to write an AP Psych essay. Remember this class is weighted, so dont worry to much about your grade yet.

GEOGRAPHY: Finish homework from over the weekend if not completed.