Step Back and Catch Your Breath


Friday, August 30, 2013

Three weeks’ down in the semester, and now it’s time for an extended weekend to catch your breath.  Hope the links below provide some refreshing thoughts to encourage your thinking about reading.  Happy Labor Day…and go Huskers!

AL A CARTE (8/30)

International Literacy Day — As a new school year begins, IRA announces a special International Literacy Day (ILD) celebration focusing on career readiness.  Monday, September 9, is the designated day, with the goal being to inspire students to dream big about their future and illustrate the role literacy skills play in achieving those dreams. Check the link for fun classroom activities. — is a national multimedia project offering information and resources to the parents and educators of struggling adolescent readers and writers.  If you’ve never visited this site, you’ll find some great information.  Perfect surfing for a long, hot weekend.

Kylene Beers blog — An older post, but it contains an interesting survey that she and Bob Probst did about why teachers teach the novels they teach.  And if you want to participate in future surveys, bookmark this page.  They will have a survey later this fall.

 Nerdy Book Club — Great source for book reviews and providing ideas for new books out on the market.  The most current post encouraged me to keep helping each student find his/her “hook book.”