This familiar chant echoed throughout the Seward Concordia campus as the LHS football team completed a three day camp on Friday, July 20th.  Executing fundamentals and bringing a physical style of play were the key elements stressed.  Led by Coach Mark Macke, the LINKS focused on offensive fundamentals on Wednesday, defensive fundamentals on Thursday and competitions on Friday.  The camp also allowed for several hours of scrimmage time with other teams in attendance.  Friday competitions saw the trio of Trey Anderson, Marquis Kirklin and Hunter Pritchard win the Pig in the Pen competition and. as a team, Lincoln High placed high in King of the Hill.

Team members participating all three days included:
SENIORS:  Trey Anderson, Jammeran Avila, Deontre Belford, Mark Fotopulos, Chad Franssen-Cook, Mikey Hansen, Grant Jensen, Marquis Kirklin, Josh Matz, Cody Morse, Gage Niemann, Dante Quinn, Trevor Shriner, Jordan Snodgrass, Austen Thompson, Brandon Varrati and Norman Ward.
JUNIORS:  Jacob Brown, Evan Clark, Payton Helmstadter, Austin Phipps, Hunter Pritchard, Yohanna Shokai and Tyson Wilson.
SOPHOMORES:  Anthony Bryan, Garett Carter, Marcellas Cherry, Jamie Davis and Nathan Pence.
FRESHMEN:  Tyren Baker, Martiez Prather and Bayley Schuman.
Dean Christensen, Sam Bayer, Kevin Franklin, Jaden Jilg-Brown, Steve Laravie and Anthony Lewis also participated on some of the days.

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