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Eight Keys

Eight Keys is written by Suzanne LaFluer, the author of Golden Sower nominee, Love, Aubrey.  13 year old Elise lives with her Aunt Bessie and Uncle Hugh because both her parents have died. She and her best friend, Franklin, start middle school and Elise has a very hard time adapting.  She has a bully for a locker mate, she can’t seem to keep up with her classes, and she’s embarrassed by Franklin.  In addition to all that, mysterious keys begin to show up that unlock doors in the barn that have been locked for as long as she can  remember.  Where are the keys coming from?  What is behind all those locked doors?  Once she opens the doors what messages are the rooms trying to tell her?  This is a great book for anyone who has struggled with growing up and all the changes that come with it.

Posted in Mystery, Realistic fiction.