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November 19, 2014

Hello Irving Students and Staff! This week is the kickoff for our Power of Connection Challenge. Each of you is challenged to play along and work on being kinder, more grateful and giving to others. Your health teacher will show you what the challenge looks like and talk with you about how you will record what you do during each of these 5 days. Thanks for taking part in the challenge. Make it a great day!


Congratulations to the “Artists of the Week.”  Their artwork is displayed in the hall by the cafeteria:

7th Graders:  Sara Paw, Kira Kalnins, and Tommy To

8th grader: Passmore Munundulu



Students and Staff are encouraged to donate the items listed below for Project Warmth. Project Warmth is a cold-weather clothing drive to help people stay warm through the harsh Nebraska winters. For each item donated Irving students will receive 5 minutes of Community Services hours for our ICOR Fund- Raiser.

ITEMS NEEDED: Coats (any size)       Socks               Blankets           Scarves Gloves

These items will be distributed to Lincoln’s homeless community on November 23rd at 913 O Street from 10am-2pm. Any student interested in volunteering to help that day, please sign up on the Project Warmth Sheet outside the Main Office.


Megan Oziminski, alternate tenor sax, Indigo Mathes, trumpet, and Sarah Hammons, horn, have been selected by audition for the 2016 Nebraska State Bandmasters Association 8th Grade All-State Band. Indigo and Sarah will travel to Kearney in January to perform with 83 of the top 8th grade band students in the state. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment.


8th graders interested in having a READ poster can pick up an application from their English teacher. All applications are due back to your English teacher or Mrs. Cejda by November 25 which is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break.


Math Lab will be in Mrs. Hunter’s Room 306 after school today.


Science Olympiad meeting Wednesday in Ms. Renieri’s room 119. Please bring your teacher recommendation forms and your straw tower.


Thank you to everyone who submitted timecards last week for the ICOR project. The classroom challenge was well received by many of the the first period classes. The top three were…

Third Place: Ms. Kroenke’s 7th grade Diff English class with an average of 1 hour 20 minutes per student.

Second Place: Mr. Wagner’s 8th grade Industrial Technology class with an average of 1 hour 50 minutes per student.

First Place: Mr. Robb’s 8th grade Vocal Music class with an average of 5 hours per student.

Congratulations to them and everyone receiving a green piece of pie!

If you still have timecards from last week to turn in, please put them in the ICOR box in the office today.

This week’s classroom challenge is to have at least one student in your first period class participate in the Thanksgiving food distribution activity at the Center for People in Need on Saturday, November 22. This is the last volunteer activity on the schedule. Two shifts are available, and bus transportation is provided from Irving and back. The first shift needs to meet in front of Irving at 7:45 a.m. to load the bus. The second shift needs to meet in front of Irving at 9:45 a.m. to load the bus. Sign-ups are available on the ICOR bulletin board across from the counseling center or online.

Volunteer activity available this week is Homemade Wind Chimes and Nature Toys, Thursday after school at the Rec. Center.

This week’s timecard drawings will be for a $10 Cold Stone Creamery gift card and 30-seconds in the inflatable money vault. Turn your timecard in to your first period teacher or the ICOR box in the office by 3:00 p.m. on Friday to be eligible.

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