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December 8: The “extrapolation” of reactivity and a Bill Nye video!

Ok, so one of the kids made fun of me for using the word “extrapolation” today.  In response, I decided to use it at every turn.   Today we worked through the reactivity of elements across the periodic table and watched part of a Bill Nye video on chemical reactions.  We also reviewed some terms for the CSA test coming in a couple of weeks and they have home work on nonmetals and metalloids.  Check out our  Jib Jab video too:

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December 7th: Size of and atom and more Prezi work.

Today we worked through the size of atoms and more of their properties.  After that we went to the  computer lab to finish up our Prezi projects.  IF theyr didn’t finish they need to complete it at home along with the homework they have.

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December 6: New Prezi project and some homework!

Today we went over the homework form yesterday and looked at a quick Powerpoint over the Alkaline Earth Metals.  Then we started in on a new Prezi project.  The ids are supposed to take the first two columns of the periodic table (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals) and construct a Prezi that includes all the relevant information for each element: Atomic mass, atomic number, symbols, melting points, freezing points, founder, when and where it was discovered, pictures of it in various states of matter and what it’s used for.  It doesn’t have to be exhaustive but I do want their work to show some effort and creativity.  Make it cool and fun.  Add videos if they can and some interesting stuff.  Powerpoints are the technology of the past.  They also have a short worksheet for homework on how big atoms are.

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December 5: Intro into Metals

Today we worked on a little review of last week and then got into the properties of metals.  We’re in section 3.3 of the text and the kids have a homework assignment.  If they aren’t done with their writing exercise of Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law and the Meissner Effect they need to get it in.  They should have handed in our periodic table project today for a grade as well.

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December 2: Concert Day

Ok, so I decided to make the review project that we started yesterday a summative assessment due to the scheduling of the concert.  We will be entering into reactive metals next week and we need to get this last week’s material done with.  If the students aren’t done with the review by the end of class today they need to finish it at home and hand it in on Monday.  It is s a rare occurrence that I send home summative assessments home, so the kids should work as professionally as possible on it.

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December 1: Periodic Table Project

Today we concluded all new information for our study of the periodic table and worked on a project to review for the summative assessment over this material.  I included in this post a picture of the periodic table for the students to recreate on their project.  Tomorrow we will have a short class due to the concert in 1st period.

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November 30: A little review and more periodic table.

Today i had the kids do a little review for the Chemical Building Block CRT test which will be in a couple of weeks before the break and then we talked about some defining characteristics of elements in the periodic table.  Tomorrow we will explore some more valence electrons and how elements have similar properties.

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November 29: More Bohr Diagrams and Lewis structure.

Today we did a little more with the Bohr Diagrams and the Lewis Structure of atoms in our study of the periodic table.  I also had a re-quiz for those kids who did poorly on the last quiz.  It had some different questions and a little different format but it will only help their grade from the last one.

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November 28: More atomic structure, Bohr diagrams and the Lewis structure!

Today I reviewed some of the things from last week’s quiz and introduced the periodic table.  We got into how to draw the Bohr diagram and the Lewis structure of elements.  The kids are getting a little confused, but I’ll make sure they know what is needed for the summative tests.  They do have homewor
k tonight.

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November 23: Last day before the break!

Today we went over isotopes, covalent bonds, electrovalence, and atomic mass after we watched a little video on how kids learn: Born To Learn.  The kids also had a quiz today over this week’s material and some did not like to have to recall the first 18 elements of the periodic table.  We’ll go over this again when we get back form the break.  Happy Turkey Day!

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