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D-Day and the Liberation of Paris

August 25, 1944

Earlier this summer, Allied forces hit the beach in Normandy, France.  After a few months of fighting, Paris has been liberated!  Follow the link below to see the events of the summer.

Nazi Germany itself is now in the crosshairs of the Allies.

What does this mean for you?

Civilian Draft-Age Male: The links below will take you to a statement from General Eisenhower and pictures from D-Day.  What were you feeling during the heavy fighting of Operation Overlord?  How is the morale of your unit right now?[]=the-great-depression-and-world-war-ii&page=2

Enlisted Male: What does this victory mean for you in the South Pacific?  How has it affected the morale of you and your shipmates?  How might this affect the Japanese you’re fighting?

Female on the Homefront: What are your reactions to the news reports and the radio broadcasts you’re hearing? The following website has an overview of reporting during World War II.  Click on the green buttons that say Coverage, Reporting, and Technology to see how the war was covered.