Ch. 7 Agriculture

Unit 7

Driving Questions:

  1. Was farming an improvement over foraging?
  2. What makes human societies similar and different?
  3. Why do societies collapse?

Unit 7 Study Guide Worksheet:

Burial Status Worksheet:

Unit 7 Glossary Worksheet:


Jan. 25th Assignment: Rise and Fall of Civilizations: (pick 3 out of 7)

Pick one of 3 theories for each

  • Internal Weakness: Did increasing complexity cause to much fragility?
  • External Conquest: Was another civilization able to conquer this civilization?
  • Environmental Disaster: Did nature or man take down the civilization?

Rise and Fall Worksheet:

  1. Could societies collapse due to multiple factors (Internal & External)?
  2. Why was it difficult for early societies to last for hundreds and hundreds of years?


Jan. 8th Assignment:

Civilization Comparison Project:

Questions of Project:

  • How did these civilizations overcome challenges?
  • What legacies do you find most interesting?
  • How did their food and animal resources impact history?

East Asia Article:

Greco-Roman Article:

Jericho Article:

Mesoamerica Article:

Uruk Article:

Aksum Article:

Ghana Article:

World Religion Article:

Not in Kansas Article: