Week of January 21-25

This weeks spelling words are: day, say, play, may, way and stay.  The challenge list words are: spray, player, today, tray, birthday, away and there.
The phonics focus this week is on long a words.  Primarily long a words with ai and ay.  Children learned that (ai) is usually found in the middle of a word and (ay) at the end of a word.

We are finishing unit 5 in math, the unit test will be on Thursday this week.

In science, we are studying animal habitats.  So far, your student should be able to share information about aquatic and desert habitats. We will soon expand to grassland, forest habitats and tundra animals/habitats.

Your student may have shared that we have two new teachers in our room.  This semester, we welcome Ms. Hannaford and Ms. Martin who are both juniors from UNL.  They will be here in the afternoons on Tuesdays and all day on Thursdays as they begin their practicum work.

Stay warm and keep reading!


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