Binary Converter

Binary is the base 2 number system. We typically use the decimal (base 10) number system to count, but any base actually works.


6234 means that we have: 6 [1000s] 2 [100s] 3 [10s] 4 [1s]
Another way to see these is as powers of 10: 6 [103s] 2 [102s] 3 [101s] 4 [100s]

Binary works the exact same way, except the base of our numbers is 2.

0110 means that we have: 0 [8s] 1 [4s] 1 [2s] 0 [1s]
Or as powers of 2: 0 [23s] 1 [22s] 1 [21s] 0 [20s]

This gives us a total of 6 in base 10. So we say 01102 = 610.

You can click on the bits here to turn them on or off to see the result, or add/subtract 1 at a time.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
000000002 = 00010
0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 0 + 0