Advanced Programming

In Advanced Programming we take your knowledge further and explore more in-depth ideas of computer programming. In this course the main units we cover are boolean logic, object-oriented design, algorithms, and software development. I make sure to include a heavier emphasis on group work, but independent skills are still important.

This class is much more tailored, but not exclusive, to those who might pursue computer science beyond high school and (hopefully) has a different feel than the Intro course. The projects require a little more thought and might be more challenging, but hopefully you still have fun with them!

I think programming should be a fun and creative endeavor, but we’re not just drawing pictures with code! You can expect to have to think through challenging problems and you may not get everything right the first time through.

The goal of the information contained on these pages is not to give you 100% of the details regarding any topics. There are far too many pieces to each concept, and plenty of resources already exist online. I will reference Wikipedia quite a bit and I recommend you find more information on topics you’re interested in.

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