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Parent Info

LSW Forensics welcomes and encourages parents to take an active role in our program. The most successful speech and debate schools rely on outstanding parental involvement to foster the growth of a dynamic team. Parents of all forensic team members will be invited to a special meeting in the fall to receive an orientation about the program and answer any questions they may have.

Forensics is a part of the Performing Arts group of the LSW Booster Club and has a Speech Parent Rep and Debate Parent Rep. In addition to those two positions, we would like to develop a six-parent forensics committee consisting of the following primary job duties: concessions, fundraising, publicity and hospitality. If you are interested in serving in any of these capacities, please contact the coaches.

Judging at the invitational competitions is a possibility for parent involvement as well. There are many ways in which parents can volunteer to help and we’d be glad to put your talents and dedication to work for the Silver Hawk Forensics family.

This is a link to the PBS Accidental Hero Documentary that was aired a few years ago. It provides some very interesting insights into this activity.

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