New Art Room in 102!

Room 102: New Art Room

Art started off the new semester in a new room!  We are thrilled to have plenty of natural light to do our best work thanks to the restored windows!  We are thankful to have such a wonderful space in which to explore creativity and art.  Stop by and check it out!


3rd Personal Symbols

The 3rd grade has been exploring personal symbols and thinking about how to represent ideas using pictures.  As part of their self-portrait project, the artists are creating frames that will include symbols of people, places and activities that are important to them.

Frame segments for self-portraits.

4th Grade Gesture Drawings

The 4th grade classes have been studying figures (the human form) and the gestures that convey action and attitude.  Students explored gesture drawings by posing for each other or using mannequins to make quick observational sketches of the main action of the pose.  Students learned about proportion and used this in their sketches.  These preparatory activities will lead into figure sculptures made of wire, tinfoil and paper mache.

Using a mannequin to make gesture drawings.

Students made multiple gesture drawings in preparation for thier figure sculptures.

Together and Alone: Explorations in Self-Portrait

Third grade artists have been considering ideas related to who they are with other people as well as who they are when they are alone.  Discussion has included personal symbolism, how to read a picture for clues as to the meaning, self-portrait and using proportion to create a likeness.  We have looked at the work of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican artist who worked extensively with personal symbolism and self-portraits.

Frida Kahlo, self-portrait

Students have created pre-instruction self-portraits and are now learning how to use proportional measurements to make a face that is more accurate.  When finished, these proportional, self-portraits will be framed by symbols students chose to express more about what is important to them and who they are.

Way to go 3rd grade!

2nd Grade Exhibit at McTeacher Night

As part of their study of media and processes, the 2nd grade artists practiced blending colors in crayon and paint to personalize their images and learn about wax resist and water color.  Students were excited to be selected as the class to show work at the McTeacher night at Mc Donalds on October 6.  Great job 2nd grade!

October 6, 2011

1st Grade: Myself in a Beautiful Place: Finding Lines Everywhere

The first grade artists have been creating pictures of themselves in a beautiful place.  We began by finding different kinds of lines in the room around us and created collections of these zig zags, dashed, swirly and invented lines, perhaps, never seen before.  Students used the creative process to explore different ways they could incorporate at least 5 different kinds of lines in their project that included themselves  and a building or house  that they find most beautiful.  We looked at the work of Austrian artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, for inspiration.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser Painting

Friedensreich Hundertwasser Apartment Buildings

Students used the following steps in creating their artwork:

  1. Draw in pencil.
  2. Trace in Sharpie.
  3. Color with crayons.
  4. Add a water color wash.
  5. Mount to background construction paper.

Nice job1st grade artists!

Ms. Meyer

Kindergarten Rock Stars!

The Kindergarten artists studied the work of Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy

and practiced making their own designs and shapes using rocks and stones.  Students organized their stones and identified vocabulary such as size, shape, color and texture.  After discovering different ways to sort and stack rocks, the students each made their own composition and drew it, traced it in sharpie, added color and finished it off with a watercolor wash to create beautiful designs.

Demonstration of process and crayon techniques used by kindergarten artists.