5th Grade Banner Circles

The 5th grade classes practiced using tints, tones and shades of red to experiment with the potential of acrylic paints on vinyl circles to be included on the 2012 Lakeview Art Banner.

Circles were selected for inclusion on the banner and affixed with an adhesive to the standard vinyl banner that the students had already painted cream and trimmed with a black paint border.

Circles on the banner

Student Work
















Student Work

Student Work

The final step was to seal the circles with an acrylic varnish.

Sealing the banner.

2012 Art in the Round Banner

Our title, “Art in the Round” was added as the finishing touch.  Each student in both 5th grade classes had opportunity to contribute to the success of this year’s banner.  Nice work!

Many of the elementary schools in Lincoln Public Schools participated in the annual traveling display of banners that can be seen around Lincoln for the next year in such places as the Childrens Museum.  If you have a chance, check them out!

The following gallery includes more detail pictures of student work as well as some of the group work done on this project.  It was a delight to work with this group of students.

Thank you 5th grade for a job well done!





5th Grade Paintings for the Banner: Tints, Tones and Shades

The 5th grade has been busy for several weeks working on this year’s art banner that will travel around the city.  In keeping with our theme, Art in the Round, we have been making individual compositions in acrylic paint on circles that will be included on the banner.  Students are studying tints, tones and shades so are working with a limited palette of colors:  white, black and red.

white + color = tint

gray + color =  tone

black + color =  shade

They are experimenting with mixing their own paints as they work in their own styles.  It will be exciting to see everyone’s work combined on the banner.  Please enjoy the gallery of individual paintings from both Mr. Schwanke and Ms. Golden’s classes.

5th Grade Brainstorms Ideas for 2012 Banner

Lakeview Elementary is participating in the exhibition of art banners created by students that will be exhibited all across Lincoln.  Everyone in the 5th grade classes will participate in the creative process to generate ideas as well as construct this year’s banner.  Our title is Art in the Round.  Each student contributed at least 2 banner designs and the final project will be a compilation of the ideas from both Mr. Schwanke and Ms. Golden’s classes.  It is the best of everyone’s ideas.  Stay tuned as the vision comes into focus.

Detail of student design idea.

Detail of student design idea.

Detail of student design idea.

Detail of student design idea.

Each rectangle is a student's design idea for the banner.Detail of student's work.

Detail of student's idea for banner.