4th Grade Figure Sculptures

The 4th grade has been working on figure sculptures and are nearing the end of the process.  Students started with gesture drawings, bent wire to make a figure in action, gave it form with tinfoil, covered the figure in papier mache, and painted the surface with acrylic paints.  The figures will be installed in the library and on display after spring break and into April.  Stop by the library and enjoy the figures in action!  Excellent work 4th grade.


4th Grade Figure Sculptures are Fabulous.

The 4th grade artists have been working on gesture drawings that are being used as the maps for figure sculptures.  We started with wire armatures (skeleton), added tinfoil muscles and are working on the paper mache skins.  The figure sculptures will be painted in metallic paints and on display as a group later in the quarter.  Stay tuned for more photos and updates.

Fun with paper mache

Working hard in art class.


Figure sculptures drying after first layer of paper mache has been applied.

4th Grade Gesture Drawings

The 4th grade classes have been studying figures (the human form) and the gestures that convey action and attitude.  Students explored gesture drawings by posing for each other or using mannequins to make quick observational sketches of the main action of the pose.  Students learned about proportion and used this in their sketches.  These preparatory activities will lead into figure sculptures made of wire, tinfoil and paper mache.

Using a mannequin to make gesture drawings.

Students made multiple gesture drawings in preparation for thier figure sculptures.