Pourquoi le français ?

Why should you learn French, or any language for that matter?  It’s a good question to ask, and an important question to answer.  First, let’s look at the reasons for learning a foreign language, according to the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL):

Students who learn foreign languages:

  • perform better on tests
  • develop reading skills better
  • get higher ACT and SAT scores
  • perform better in college and university
  • think clearer
  • have a more positive outlook on the global community
  • are more willing to take social risks such as traveling,
  • are able to perform jobs and have careers in multiple areas

Now, lets look at why to learn French, according to Virginia Tech:

  • French is the official language of: The United Nations, NATO, UNESCO, European Community, The Red Cross
  • French is the primary language of Canada, our largest trading partner
  • There are more than 2,300 French companies in the US
  • More tourists visit France than any other country in the world
  • France is the 4th largest producer of automobiles in the world
  • France is a global leader in areo-space (Airbus)
  • France has one of the most advanced phone systems in the world

Why Learn French?
Why Learn French? Again
UNESCO Year of Languages
Where is French spoken?
French: a universal language
Who speaks French in the world?
French-the language of the stars
The world speaks French
Top 10 reasons to learn French
On the importance of knowing French
Why is it useful to learn another language