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April 3, 2015

Please return clothes borrowed from the Health Office.

Every day, young students have a variety of accidents that soil their clothing. Our Health Office graciously shares pants, socks, and shirts as needed. The clothes need to be laundered and returned to school as soon as possible. Our supply of emergency wear has been depleted! Thank you.


April is National Autism Awareness Month.

Autism Awareness Month is a nationwide effort to promote autism awareness, inclusion and self-determination for all, and quality education and life for individuals with ASD. Autism Awareness Month is a time to encourage our community, families, staff, and to know more about autism. Resources and activities about autism are available at the sites noted below. Hoping you will join in Autism Awareness Month.


Autism Society


Autism Speaks- April 2nd Light It Up Blue


NEASD State Network


SEASD Regional Network



Third Quarter Attendance:

Average daily attendance for Q3 = 93.8% of students here daily.

78 students had perfect attendance in Q3.

69 students missed one day or less in quarter 3.




April is Cans for Books Month.

Recycling aluminum cans earns money for library books.




April 6 & 7     NeSA grade 3 Math

April 6             GET 8:10

April 7            8:10    Annual Staff Survey for PBiS   

April 7            Chess Club for grades 3-4-5 begins for 6 weeks

April 7            PTA 6:30

April 8 & 9     NeSA grade 5 Math

April 8             Principals Council at LPSDO 7:30-12

April 9             Randolph Safety and Security committee 8:10

April 9             LPS Inspire Awards at North Start

(Randolph honorees = Christina Dickhaut, Andrew Duweling)

April 10          Title 1 Peer Review at LPSDO: AB & WB 8-12           

April 13          School Improvement Process Committee 8:10 in library

April 14          Fuel Up To Play 60 Assembly at UNL (Atanasu & 4 students)

April 14-15    NeSA grade 4 Math

April 16-17    NeSA grade 5 Science

April 17          8:10    Adverse Childhood Experiences (Trauma) Rm 114                       

April 21          3:45    CITW2 Cooperative Learning & All of Component #1

                                    (Required)    Kristin C., Michelle, Alesia

April 21          Kdg. Families’ Picnic 5:30

April 23          Spring Training for 4th Graders for Outdoor Education

(Grades 2 and 4 switch lunch & recess times)

April 24          NO SCHOOL: elementary plan day

April 24          Safety and Security: Evacuation Drill to OSL, time TBA


April 27          Principals Curriculum Council 12-4:30

April 28          PLC Early Dismissal 2:18

April 28          LPS Board of Education recognizes Mrs. Mahoney and Randolph                               Counseling Program for National R.A.M.P. designation!

April 28          Band concert 7 p.m.

April 30          Parent Camp Volunteer meeting in library 7:00 p.m.

April 30          Kindergarten Orientation

May 1                        8:10 in the library: Dr. Joel

May 14-15    Camp for 4th Graders and Parent Volunteers!




Love and Logic Moment

By Dr. Charles Fay

Taking Good Care of Yourself


Loving our children and our students requires that we first take care of ourselves in loving, unselfish ways. That’s the First Rule of Love and Logic!


Too frequently, we are led to believe that “good parents” and “good educators” should sacrifice their own needs to serve their children. While this sounds sweet and ever so politically correct, trying to accomplish it leaves our love-reserves depleted:


When our bucket is empty, we have nothing to give.


Love and Logic is not about being narcissistic or selfish, it’s about giving kids the gift of patient, encouraging, relaxed, and enthusiastic role models. Listed below are a few quick reminders:


Focus on what you can control.


A sure recipe for disaster involves trying to make kids happy, attempting to make them be good students, trying to make them get enough sleep, ensuring that they pick the right friends, etc.


What we do have control over is what we model, the types of limits we set, and how we respond when these limits are tested.


Set limits to avoid becoming a doormat.


Effective people set limits by describing how they will take care of themselves…not what others should do. For example:


I do the extra things I do around here when I feel respected.


I listen to students when their voices sound calm like mine.


I _______ when I don’t have to hear complaining or arguing.


Provide discipline when it’s convenient for you…not for the kids.


Avoid falling into the trap of trying to solve problems or provide immediate consequences. Take care of yourself by taking time and handling the problem when you have the time, energy, and support you need.


Refresh your skills at our annual Love and Logic Summer Retreat.


One teacher stated: “Love and Logic really works well when I remember to use it.” Living these skills requires constant repetition and practice. I even find myself slipping when I’ve taken too long a break from learning.


Plan your summer vacation around our annual Love and Logic Summer Retreat. Enjoy three days of inspiring presentations, amazing mountain recreation, and some of the most awesome scenery on earth. We guarantee that you’ll leave refreshed and ready to enjoy your kids!


Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.



Posted in End of the Week Notes.