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FEb. 13, 2014

The PTA fundraiser cookie dough and magazine sale begins today and runs through Feb. 27th. New this year: when parents turn in the students’ order packet, it should be in all cash or in one check. Orders will be ready to pick up on Thursday, March 19 from 3:30-5:30.



Every box top counts! The check for the first semester’s box tops = $990!

Thank you for clipping and sending those box tops. Each = 10¢.


Food Backpack Program:

We currently have two available spots on the weekly food distribution list. If your family can benefit from receiving a bag of food each Friday from the Food Bank of Lincoln (sent home with your child), please call the office to sign up.




Feb. 16          NO SCHOOL for elementary: Plan Day


Feb. 17          Staff Meeting (required)   4:00-5:15

Agenda = CITW2 Objectives (recommendations 3&4)


Feb. 17          Kindergarten Parent Network Meeting 6:30-7:30 p.m. —                                       Childcare provided


Feb. 18          Staff meeting with Dr. Weber and Dr. Stavem 8:10


Feb. 18          School Skate 6-8:00 p.m.


Feb. 19          Grade 5 to Sheldon Museum

Grades 4 & 5 switch lunch, recess, and Expressive Arts times


Feb. 19          Raising Cane’s Night—When you order, mention Randolph School,

Randolph gets 20% of your order amount!

Feb. 23          Elementary Principals meet at LPSDO 12:30-4:30 p.m.


Feb. 23          Lefler Middle School Open House 6:30-7:30 p.m.


Feb. 24          PLC EARLY OUT: students dismissed at 2:18

Feb. 24          LPS Board of Education recognizing Randolph School Counseling

Program as a national model! 6:00 p.m.

Feb. 25          Title 1 principals meet at LPSDO 7:30- 10:30 a.m.


Feb. 26          Randolph Science Fair!

Feb. 26          Spanish Families PNG 3:45-4:45

Feb. 27          Under the Sea Day in cafeteria—seafood choices for lunch

Feb. 27          FREE Family Movie Night: Big Hero 6

March 2          Dr. Suess Day!

March 2          PBiS Training at Sheridan Lutheran: afternoon


March 3          Test Prep building flex session 4:00 room 200


April 7                        Chess Club for grades 3-4-5 begins for 6 weeks


From the Health Office:

We have a growing collection of lost glasses in the main office.   If you have a student who has lost a pair please check with the office.  As we enter the testing season it is important that we encourage students to be ready to do their best and that includes wearing their glasses at school.

Dianne Frydendall-Smith RN BSN
School Nurse


6th Grade Orientation Night

Dear incoming 6th grade families:

We would like to welcome you to the Lefler

Lion Family. We are very excited to partner with you as your child

makes an important transition from elementary to middle school.

Next month we will be holding our first of several opportunities

to help your student began the process of becoming a middle school student.


Monday February 23rd

From 6:30 to 7:30

We look forward to seeing you!!!




By Dr. Charles Fay


Praise Junkies?

Are we raising a society hooked on praise? Perhaps you know someone who doesn’t feel whole…doesn’t experience happiness…unless they are receiving acknowledgment from the outside.


Do we want our kids dependent upon the praise of others, or do we want them guided by a voice of personal responsibility residing in their hearts and their heads?


Far too many parenting and school discipline approaches rely on changing behavior by consistently providing praise and tangible goodies.


While occasional praise is fine, do we set our kids up for difficulties when we overdo it?


Life guided by an internal set of ethical principles…and a strong understanding of cause and effect…is far more likely to produce confidence and joy than a life dependent upon the fickle opinions of others.


Take the following quiz to see whether you are creating responsibly independent kids…or praiseaholics:


1. When my kids succeed on a task, I recognize their effort and their good feelings…rather than telling them how happy it makes me.
2. I demonstrate that I love them, even when I don’t necessarily love their behavior.
3. I allow my kids to see me resisting peer pressure…rather than always trying to project a perfect image.
4. I provide praise rarely…and only when they have done something truly praiseworthy.
5. My kids often overhear me talking about how I make my decisions based on my own beliefs…rather than seeing me make decisions based on what “everybody else is doing.”
6. I allow my kids to make affordable mistakes and learn from them…rather than constantly telling them what to do.


The more “yes” answers you gave, the more likely your kids will learn to resist peer pressure and lead lives where their happiness is based on doing the right thing rather than trying to please everyone.


In our CD, Shaping Self-Concept, Jim Fay gives parents and teachers the tools they need to help kids learn to look for their strengths and become motivated, confident, and proud.  Kids who will be able to keep going when the tough gets going and see themselves as winners.


Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.


Posted in End of the Week Notes.