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October 17, 2014

Picture Retake Day is Oct. 23:

Families can have their child’s school photo retaken at no charge if they are not satisfied with the pictures. They must bring in their packet for the retake. New order forms went home with students who were absent that day, and to new students, as well. Questions? Please call Jane in the office at 402-436-1163.


ATTENTION: Duplicate Mailings to Parents Living Separately

The new computer system, Synergy, does not have a way to sort report cards for duplicate mailings. Vicki went through the census forms to create a list of parents of students who need duplicate mailings because of separate households. If you know of a parent who wants their child’s report card via a duplicate mailing, please contact Vicki in the office at 402-436-1163 before Wed., October 22!



Safety precautions for riding bicycles

WEAR A HELMET while riding your bike.

STOP at every intersection!  Make eye contact with drivers to make sure they have seen you before entering the traffic area.  Also, be aware of cars leaving and entering driveways.

LOOK in all directions before entering a crosswalk with the light.

WALK your bike through the intersection.

TRAFFIC LAWS apply to bike riders.  Bike riders are operating a moving vehicle.  All traffic laws should be strictly followed.



Eight classes had 100% PERFECT ATTENDANCE at P-T Conferences, September 22-26! Congratulations to the families of students in the following classes: Spangler, Huebert, Devine, Kechely, Philippi, Keller, Wobig, Christensen, and Dougherty. The 15 students who were not represented at these important conversations were from 10 families. It’s not too late! Your child’s teacher would be happy to talk with you about your child’s strengths and progress! Contact the teacher today!


From the Randolph Gym:

The Elks Hoop Shoot will take place November 29th. Deadline for submitting entries is November 22nd. Stop by Mr. Atanasu’s office for more information



BUBBA’S CLOSET is a FREE winter school clothes for elementary school age children. BUBBA’S CLOSET will be Nov. 15 at McPhee School, 820 S. 15th Street from 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to donate gently used clothing for this give away? Take the items to Hanger’s Cleaners any day in October. Clothes will be cleaned by Hanger’s and taken to McPhee School.


FROM LPS Social Studies Consultant Randy Ernst:

There has been lots of parent interest in the LPS Social Studies Curriculum. Check out the Nebraska Department of Education-Social Studies section to look at the Nebraska state standards. Our curriculum aligns with the standards very well, so parents will have a nice overview of what is begin taught. The link is

Families can also view the LPS Social Studies standards on the LPS homepage.

That link is




Oct. 20           School Improvement Process Committee meets 8:10

Oct. 21           Report cards completed and sent to Dr. B. by 4 p.m.

Oct. 23          Picture Retake Day

Oct. 24           Report Cards sent home

Oct. 24           Trunk or Treat in the parking lot!


Oct. 27           Elementary Principals meet 1-5:00 at LPSDO

Oct. 28           PLC Early Out 2:18

Oct. 29           Title 1 Principals meet 7:30 a.m.

Oct. 29           Family Services “Lights On” event 7:15-8:15 a.m.

Oct. 29            Instructional Conference grade 5 with Dr. B. and Mrs. Bushaw

Oct. 30           STUDENT VOTE

Oct. 30           Instructional Conferences grades K, 1 with Dr. B & Mrs. Bushaw

Oct. 31           Instructional Conferences grades 2, 3, 4 with Dr. B & Mrs. Bushaw


Love and Logic Moment

When Kids Argue With Each Other

by Jedd Hafer

It came from the backseat. It crept up while we were on the phone. It wasn’t a monster, but something much more menacing – kids arguing.

Have you noticed that kids pick the worst times to start bickering? Few things can be as annoying or draining for parents. What options do we have when kids argue with each other? How about:

  • Whether we are physically present to hear it or not?
  • How much we charge to listen to it?
  • How we react?
  • What we model?

What statements can we make in these situations to help keep the problem of arguing on the kids’ shoulders where that problem belongs?

Some parents try this one:

“It sounds like you guys are having a problem – and it will be interesting to see how you solve it.”

And if they don’t solve it?

Parents can solve the problem – perhaps by “charging” the kids something to put back the energy it took to listen to that fighting. Some parents charge $1 per minute to listen to arguing in the car (or other situations in which the parent can’t “escape”). Other parents charge by offering some of their own chores for the children to accomplish to put back the drained energy.

Many parents using Love and Logic techniques have success empowering their kids to solve problems and resolve conflicts (on their own) rather than reacting with anger and frustration in the moment. And when the kids don’t resolve things wisely, it costs them something.

You can hear more great ideas for sibling arguing and bickering in
Dr. Charles Fay’s fun CD, Sibling Rivalry. Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.

Posted in End of the Week Notes.