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Notes from April 23 SIP Meeting

Present:  Rob, Michelle, Karen, Keri, Sara, Kristin C., Jenna, Ben, Erin, Paige, Trish, Alesia, Wendy B.
Guest: Dr. Anthony Dancer
1.  Telling the Randolph Story: Preparing for the External Visitation
We’d talked about puzzle pieces revealing the unique aspects of Randolph. Wendy B. fashioned a mock up of a 4-level puzzle.
The top layer pieces showed each of the standards.  When each standards piece was lifted, the area below showed the pieces of evidence about how Randolph meets that school improvement standard. Next, the evidence pieces were taken off to show Randolph’s mission and purpose (independent learners, consumers of information, etc.).  The bottom layer is a big picture of Randolph students…and the narration of the parts lead to the learning and growth of these children.  That’s what Randolph does extremely well.
(Trish found a powerpoint that makes puzzles…)
2.  Each grade reviewed their SMART goals (Reading and Math) and their progress so far.
3.  Wendy B. gave a verbal “year in review” of the SIP committee’s and the grade level teams’ work to date.
August-September = achievement baselines, set goals, develop action plans
October- May = implement strategies, monitor, adjust, reteach
December = attended district/NDE conference
January = review profile, view ratings on 5 standards
February = review NDE toolkit and guiding questions, list artifacts for each standard
March = graphs and captions created to show additional achievement information
April = Dr. Dancer visits; share profile and teams’ efforts
Summer 2013 = incorporate new testing information
Fall = begin baseline and goal setting for year; develop main talking points for the Randolph story.
November 3-4 or 5 = host external visitors for day.

Posted in School Improvement Process Committee.