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May 24– The End of the Year!

 NEW at Randolph this summer:  L U N C H !

Randolph School qualifies as a summer lunch site, in a federally funded program administered through Lincoln/Lancaster County.  Beginning Wed., June 6 and ending Friday, August 3rd, children from 2 years old to 18 years old can come to Randolph and have a FREE lunch at school.  Lunch will be served from 11:00-12:00.

Please pre-register so we know how many lunches to order for June 6th!  (A form went home Monday, May 21, but you can register until June 1 by calling the office.)


WOW!!! What a great article and fabulous slide show. We’re so proud of our collaborative, creative, Expressive Arts Team. Way to go guys!

“Collaboration was a goal this year for Randolph Elementary’s Expressive Arts teachers. They collaborated this year during PLC Day Zero’s and created interdisciplinary units throughout the year. Expressive Arts teachers planned many exciting activities for the last week of school that included a field day, line dancing, and yoga. The music teacher Mr. Wheeler, a certified yoga instructor, led a yoga workout for students and incorporated the iPad in his instruction. The students thought it was pretty cool that Mr. Wheeler created his own yoga font for the iPad. Mrs. Murphy, the computer teacher, and Mrs. Estudillo-Chaffee taught ABC body poetry yoga with Kindergarten and 1st grade using alliteration while Mr. Wheel demonstrated yoga poses. Mr. Atanasu, the P.E. teacher, was also involved in making it a special week for the students at Randolph Elementary!”



Negative meal balances need to be paid in full before June 8, 2012.  The parent/guardian is responsible to pay for all school meal purchases made by their student(s).  Negative balances can be paid in the school office until Friday, June 1.  After this date, payments will need to be made at or sent to:

Accounting, LPSDO Box 2, 3801 S. 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68502.

Also, online payments can be made through May 29 at .

Negative balance meal accounts will be referred to a collection agency if they are not paid.  If you have questions regarding your child’s negative meal account, please contact Accounting at 402-436-1701.


Randolph Nature Club News

The garden is being planted and the tending and harvesting are to come.  Families are invited to sign up for one week each to take care of the Randolph vegetable garden.  Sign up on the Google Doc Link:


Summer Library at Randolph!

The theme is “Dream Big…Read!”  The dates are June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 11 & 18. Wednesdays from 9-12:00 but parents, and older siblings invited as well. (Anytime in that block, not a whole 3 hour drop off.)  All are welcome to check out books and take part in fun activities as well as being able to complete the Summer Library Program (including the coupon packet at the end) in cooperation with Lincoln City Libraries.  Mrs. Bamesberger is looking helpers—from middle school kiddos to parents!



Prices for school meals

Due to requirements by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, LPS must increase its lunch prices by 10 cents in the coming school year – in order to have a qualified program.


The School Board approved the price increases of: full-priced elementary lunches will increase from $2.05 to $2.15 next school year; middle school lunches from $2.25 to $2.35; and high school lunches from $2.40 to $2.50.


School calendars 2013-14 and 2014-15

The Board gave final approval for both the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years.

The 2013-14 calendar sets the first day of school as Tuesday, August 13, and the last day, Thursday, May 22.  Quarter and semester breaks are scheduled: Oct. 12-15; Dec. 21-Jan. 5; and March 8-16 – with additional days off for recognized holidays.

The 2014-15 calendar sets the first day of school as Tuesday, August 12 and the last day, Thursday, May 21. Quarter and semester breaks are: Oct. 11-14; Dec. 20-Jan. 4; and March 7-15 – with additional days off for recognized holidays.




May 29            Principals’ Curriculum Breakfast 8:00 a.m.

May 30            Multicultural Institute at Southwest High School a.m. OR p.m.
May 31st & June 1st – Teach and Protect  – a BIST review/overview for staff June


JUNE 1                        Report cards due to Dr. B. from teachers (4 p.m.)


June 4-8            Bright Lights Sessions 1 & 2


June 4-8            Report cards proofed, printed, and mailed to families


NEW:  Summer Lunch Program starts June 6-Aug. 3  11-12:00 daily


June 11th & 12th – BIST School Collaboration Planning


June 18-22            Bright Lights Sessions 3 & 4


June 21-22            Adaptive Schools Training (Days 1&2; Sept. 27&28 for days 3&4)


July 9-13            Bright Lights Sessions 5 & 6

July 16             Bright Lights moves out


July 26            District SIP training

July 30, 31            Administrative Conference to begin school year!


SUMMER OFFICE HOURS:  8:00-4:30 Monday-Friday



Oppositional and Defiant Kids: Regaining Control of Your Life
Weekly Tip from the Love and Logic® Experts


Perhaps you know one of those kids…the type who absolutely loves seeing your face turn red and hearing your voice get loud. Oh, the power they must experience upon seeing our veins bulge!

Power corrupts.

When kids see that they can control the color of our face, the tone of our voice and our emotions, it doesn’t take long for them to get addicted. With this addiction comes the desire for ever increasing power. In their desperate quest for this power, they push more and more emotional buttons.


The more unhealthy control kids acquire the more out-of-control they become.

In my new webinar, Success with Strong-Willed, Stubborn or Downright Defiant Kids, I provide four hours of tips and tools dedicated to helping parents and educators regain healthy control around Napoleon-like kids…those children bent on world domination. Listed below is a brief sampling of techniques you can begin experimenting wit h today:

  • When the child begins to argue, calmly repeat, “I know” or “I love you too much to argue” or “I’ll listen when your voice sounds calm like mine.”

    Don’t be surprised if the child gets even more upset in the short-term. Just continue repeating your “one-liner” in a calm and loving way.

  • When the child gets louder, you get softer.

    Does this demonstrate a strong message of power and love?

  • When the child talks faster, you talk slower.

    Again, the goal is to show the child that you are a loving and powerful person who can’t be manipulated into losing control.

  • When the child gets extremely oppositional and defiant, say, “I love you too much to fight with you about this. I’ll take care of it.”

    Allowing the child to think, albeit incorrectly, that they’ve gotten away with something gives us the time to calm down and put together an effective plan.

Using these tools allows us to regain control of our lives while helping the child regain healthy control over theirs.


Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.


Dr. Charles Fay




Posted in End of the Week Notes.