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Randolph School Improvement Process Committee met on Monday, March 19, 2011.

Present:  Rob, Annette, Liz, Trish, Erin, Randi, Kristin C., Sara, Keri, Karen, Wendy B., and student teachers Maggie and Jessica.


The agenda included:

1.  Comments/Review of the Randolph Profile.  New data have been added/updated, and changes have been made.

For our next meeting (April 16) please have looked at the achievement data presented in this SIP cycle and develop data statements for math and reading achievement as shown on NeSA scores, ITBS scores, report card grades, and other information.

Examples of data statements (quoted from our External Visitation Report, 2008) reference a shown set of information and make comments, contrasts, or comparisons relative to student achievement.

“There is a 17% increase in 3rd grade “total reading” scores from 2003-2008.  Despite the slight drop in overall score in 2005, this trend line shows steady growth during the 2003-2008 cycle.”

“In the area of 3rd grade reading comprehension, there is a 21% gain in scores from 2003-21008.  This shows significant growth in our targeted area.”

“There is a 2% decrease in reading comprehension scores from 2003-2008.   Scores range from 76% in ’03 to 74% in ’08.  This indicates a slight downward trend in students’ tested comprehension skills.”

“Females consistently performed at or above the “all students” level each year.”

“African American students have shown significant gains in closing the achievement gap in the past two years.”

“Hispanic students are scoring above the “all students” average.”

“The results for Special Education students show a widening of the achievement gap over the past five years.”

“In third grade math computation there is a 20% gain in scores from 2003-2008.  Math computation is a targeted area that shows our instructional practice and focus have had significant impact on student achievement.”

“These statistics show that 99% of our students achieved at or above grade level.  This is a phenomenal number.  Our focus should be on moving students from “on grade level” to “above grade level”.”


So, with your grade level/program team, choose a subject and a grade level and look at what the numbers tell you.  If you didn’t know our school and our students, what would the charts and graphs let you know about our students’ achievement?  As importantly, what does this information show about what teachers need to look at and focus on for student achievement?
You can find our profile in docushare at:

2.  Reviewed the AdvancED Standards document to which SIP members have added action plans.

Dr. B. will develop the action plan notes into a checklist for staff to use in our continuing improvement.  A new link will be sent out when that is ready for your review.


You can find that google doc at the link Trish provided or:


NEXT MEETING:  April 16 at 8:10 in the media center

AGENDA:  Reviewing data statements in the context of achievement data in the profile.  Please bring your laptops, linked to the profile.

Posted in School Improvement Process Committee.