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January 27, 2012

EARLY OUT on Tuesday, January 31st at 2:18.


Randolph Wellness Committee met on Jan. 25.  Representatives are Lissy, Katie, Keri, Susan D., Kristin C., Randi, Laura O., Joan C., Wendy B., and Josh.

The current district emphasis on Health and Wellness includes a district employee wellness (Michelle Welch, director) and participation in the Alliance for Healthier Generation program.

Employee Wellness Program at LPS is evolving, and you’ve received emails from Mrs. Welch with information about nutrition, weight loss, stress management, etc.  The Health Schools Program is a set of resources for schools to use to model and promote healthy practices by students.

The first step in HSP is to assess our current practices and environment at Randolph and in LPS.  Josh and Dr. B. completed the assessment in November on areas of Policy, School Meals, Competitive Foods & Beverages, Health Education, Employee Wellness, Physical Education, and Student Wellness.  The BOLD sections above are areas where Randolph meets the Bronze level of implementation.  (Employee Wellness is a Silver category for Randolph.)  Health, PE and Policy are areas where LPS policy dictates individual schools’ levels.  For example, LPS does not allot 80 minutes a day for Health Education required to reach the Bronze rating.

Joan shared a book (Be Well) that is available free to schools.  It contains stories from mothers all around our country about the successes they’ve had making small changes in their families’ nutrition and activity levels.  The committee decided to order the books for Randolph families and staff.

“Wellness Champion” Josh suggested that Randolph continue to do the things we are doing well, and perhaps add some activities to highlight staff and student wellness.  Some ideas for staff include holding a variety of after school opportunities such as yoga, P90X, step or walking groups, etc.  For students, ideas include a mileage club to track # of miles walked/ran in a week at recesses, or a 9 week fitness log children keep track of activity at home.

Representatives are to talk with their teams and submit ideas to Josh by Wed., Feb. 1st.


Do you like to lose? Most of us don’t. In fact, some of us dislike it so much that we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that our kids are always winners. When they win this way, they always lose.

I sat on the living room floor, playing a simple board game with our four-year-old, Cody. As we took turns picking cards, the odds seemed consistently in his favor…he was nearing the always coveted goal of being the first to enter Candy Land.

Luck is a fickle friend.

Based on some quick calculations, it was clear to me that doom was on the horizon. His next card was sure to send him back a long way…far from carbohydrate heaven. Tension filled my body. Surely there was something I could do to prevent him from experiencing such despair. Maybe I could distract him and rearrange the cards so that he’d win.


Fighting this desire…I allowed him to be the loser. The tears and crying were heartbreaking. That is, until I remembered that learning about losing is part of life.

In our audio Helicopters, Drill Sergeants and Consultants, we teach that loving parents allow their children to develop winning skills by allowing them to experience disappointments, make small mistakes, and experience the natural and logical consequences. Shielding them from all of life’s hardships sends the message that they aren’t strong enough to cope with their losses. Loving them through their sadness allows them to win every time they lose.

Thanks for reading! Our goal is to help as many families as possible. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend.    Dr. Charles Fay




Jan. 30            SCIP meets

Jan. 30            Elementary Principals’ Curriculum meeting—afternoon

Jan. 30            Literacy Resource Sharing 4:00 (Kristin C. and Laura O.) 1.5 hours building flex available.

Jan. 31            PLC early out at 2:18

Jan. 30-31            State Writing Assessment Grade 4


Feb. 1                        Grade 4 Pargett to Heritage School

Feb. 2                        Grade 4 Perales to Heritage School

Feb. 3                        Grade 4 Hock to Heritage School

Feb. 6             GET meets at 8:10

Feb. 7                        PTA at 7 p.m.

Feb. 9                        Bagels, Bananas, and BackPacks meeting in Kulas’ room 8:20

Feb. 9                        CLASS PICTURES TAKEN

Feb. 10            BIST day with Marty Huitt—plan times and after school


Feb. 13            SIP meets at 8:10

Feb. 13            Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble (NTE) will play for second grade during Expressive Arts time at 12:55

Feb. 14            Staff Meeting 8:10

Feb. 15            Principals Council at Cavett School 7:15-11:30

Feb. 15            Test Prep Session by Kristin C. after school


Feb. 20            Technology Planning Committee meet 8:10

Feb. 21            Parent Teacher Conferences

Feb. 23            Parent Teacher Conferences

Feb. 24            “Under the Sea” day in the cafeteria

Feb. 27            SCIP meets 8:10

Feb. 27            Principals Curriculum Meeting 1-5:00

Feb. 28            PLC Early Out 2:18



Posted in End of the Week Notes.