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A Christmas Present

IMG_6857While we were preparing our Christmas dinner, at my brother’s house in Hawaii, we heard a loud squawking noise.  We heard it several more times.

Christmas Present

Finally we noticed a green parrot on the roof next door.  Suddenly, the parrot flew onto my brother’s porch.  We gave the parrot a cracker and then some fruit.  When my brother’s girlfriend came the parrot hopped onto her hand and came inside.  He is still staying with my brother.  He is such a nice parrot. . .we feel that he must have belonged to someone but we have not been able to find them yet.  My brother and his girlfriend hope to be able to keep him!

This is my niece Sydney holding Rainbow!

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Pebble Go Pic


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10-24-09_1655 Here is the view from my brother’s back porch.  It looks hazy out because of the vog (volcanic fog).

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Copper on the beach!

10-27-09_1543Copper and I were enjoying time on Lanikai beach.  The islands in the distance are called the Mokaluas.

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Hello world!

Welcome to my blog!  Stay tuned to find out all the cool stuff we are doing at Clinton Elementary!

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