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I Heart Google!

Have you checked out Google today… any holiday for that matter? Maybe you’re not like me… but if you are, landing on Google on a day when they’ve “tweaked” their logo to match the holiday is always a pleasant surprise and puts a smile on my face. On occasion, I’ve even thought, “it must be fun to think of those ideas… I’d love to have that job.”

You… or your students, rather… CAN have that job. Google is conducting “a competition where we invite K-12 students to play around with our homepage logo and see what they come up with.” You can find the details here.

A bit of exploring will yield lesson plans, activity ideas, and correlations to national standards in all areas including technology, art, language arts, social studies… you name it!

Spread the word!! I can’t wait to see what comes out of this contest!

Posted in News.

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