An efficient and effective way for a teacher to organize resources to share with students, parents, co-workers, the community, the world…is to create a Blog , Webpage, or Website.  WordPress allows you to do all three.

After completing a keyword/search from the LPS home page by entering the word “wordpress“, you’ll find an abundance of information as well as place to login; simply enter  your username and password to access your LPS account.

The site you are visiting now, Lisa K. Sauer , is an example of a basic one page-multiple blog site created using the LPS WordPress account.  Take a few minutes and navigate around the page.  Click on my name; click on the welcome page; check out the links on the right sidebar; click on select words in the Tags cloud; notice the banner; notice the organization of the links.   Think about how you might organize your site.

Even if you have never created a website, with planning and preparation, you will find the product to be well worth the effort.  Before you begin, start by exploring the WordPress for LPS Web Logs page.  If you are wondering if WordPress is your best option for creating access to the world, check out the What’s the deal page.   Just like a good research project, the first step is to take some time and do just that:  research.

Make sure you survey the page, read the content, and then explore building.  A WordPress
AL spotlight tutorial
can be found on the IT Coaches site, along with other spotlight tutorials, for easy navigating through the AL Tutorials.

If you are already enjoying a WordPress site, and you want to add new and interesting, instructional content, check out these LPS video tutorials, with many practical How-to ideas:

  • Using video on your wordpress site
  • Pasting from Word?  Please view this…
  • Creating a new site banner with Photoshop Elements
  • Personalizing the LPS Staff Theme
  • Upgrades 2.9 new March 1, 2010

Interested in training?
Two WordPress workshops will be held at the LPSDO, both meeting from 4:15-6:15, and taught by Linda Dickeson.

  • March 8 & 15 (four hours total)
  • April 7 & 14 (four hours total)

The workshops are now in the online staff development catalog so anyone can register.

Are you using WordPress?
If so, please write a comment to this blog and let us know how you are using it with your class.