I read an article last week suggesting, “If you want to effectively market your social network, you should tweet 6-9 times a day.”  It’s 5:30 p.m. and my  count  is still at zero. Time to get tweeting.  And look what do I get.twitter

So, instead of tweeting on Twitter, I think about what I do when life is Over Capacity.  The list of five (no technology) activities, might free up a few minutes in your day…to use as you wish:

Tip 1: Make enough oatmeal for breakfast to refrigerate the extra serving  and have left over for the next day’s breakfast .  (I also mix my brown sugar, nuts, dates in one container.  I like lots of goodies on my oatmeal.) And no cooking with that “quick” oatmeal.  Buy the good stuff.

Tip 2: Make a week of sandwiches on Sunday night. Add to your weekly grocery list a loaf of “healthy” bread, sliced cheese, sliced meat.  Build the sandwich in this order:  bread-cheese-meat-cheese-bread.  Cut in half, place sandwiches back in the empty bread bag, seal, and FREEZE.  Grab your sandwich in the morning with an apple and carrot sticks.  It will be thawed by lunch and it won’t be soggy! (add sauces and such at lunch)

Tip 3: Buy your birthday, holiday, anniversary cards a month ahead so you can mail your greetings on time.  My friends and family will appreciate my wisdom with this one.  It’s a fine tip I read many years ago..  Not my idea.  And unfortunately, it’s not a routine practice in my life.  I’m never on time with cards.

Sorry, I’m going to have to stop at three tips rather than five.  All other tips involve technology.

Send a comment with YOUR most creative way to to avoid “Over Capacity”. No technology allowed.